When we make wine we
follow the recipes and instructions that have been developed by Wine
Kitz over many years. The ingredients used, and the procedures we
follow, produce reliable and consistent results when we make our
wines – something Wine Kitz is well known for.
From time to time, however, we are asked to adjust our recipes to achieve a slightly different result. The most common change we are asked about is reducing the sweetness of a given wine. Many wines can be made less sweet by adjusting the recipe – something my wife usually does when she makes Riesling. At other times customers may have sensitivity to the preservatives or stabilizers used and we adjust the ingredients accordingly.
From time to time, however, we are asked to adjust our recipes to achieve a slightly different result. The most common change we are asked about is reducing the sweetness of a given wine. Many wines can be made less sweet by adjusting the recipe – something my wife usually does when she makes Riesling. At other times customers may have sensitivity to the preservatives or stabilizers used and we adjust the ingredients accordingly.
Occasionally we are
asked by a customer for a match to their favourite wines when we do
not have a kit of that type. An example of this came from a
customer who was looking to make a wine comparable to Barefoot
Moscato - a popular, lower alcohol wine with a sweet and fruity
taste. In order to meet the customers need, a custom recipe was
crafted by the Winemaker at the Wine Kitz Head Office that would
match the profile of the wine. This recipe uses a Traditional
Vintage Piesporter white wine kit with the concentrate divided
between a base and a sweet reserve with adjustments to the
stabilizing agents and procedures. The result is a sweet, fruity
wine with the higher sugar (~64g/L R.Sugar) and lower alcohol (~9%),
and comparable to a Moscato.
this, or any other custom recipe, come in and see our winemaker. We
are always here to help.